Benefits of Using An Access Control System for Your Business

Benefits of Using An Access Control System for Your Business

Managing the comings and goings of people on company property is a crucial part of protecting your business, employees, and resources. But, doing so can feel like its own full-time job. While deadbolts and keys once had their place in commercial security, many businesses require a more modern solution—introducing access control systems.

Access control systems allow companies to monitor and manage the who’s, what’s, when’s, and where’s of business operations. This highly secure and scalable solution empowers businesses to stay ahead of potential threats and mitigate risks. But with the overwhelming number of options currently on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is best for your business.

As a local Myrtle Beach security company, we can help you decide which access control system is the best fit for your business needs— and how to find the right balance between cost, convenience, and coverage.

So, here are a few things to know about each access control system we offer:

How to Select A Commercial Access Control System

What Is an Access Control System?

Most people have encountered an access control system at one point or another; maybe an old apartment building, a previous job, or a friend’s gated residential community. Regardless of your familiarity, it’s fairly easy to guess what they do.

Access control systems enable you to manage who has access to what facilities and how—whether a single employee who needs to protect sensitive information or a national enterprise with many locations and employees that require varying levels of security access.

These commercial security solutions can also be used to increase revenue with around-the-clock access to facilities, lockdown capabilities, and the prevention of unauthorized access or operations. And, they can be easily integrated with your existing security systems to provide comprehensive access control, real-time video monitoring, and intrusion detection through a user-friendly, internet-based interface.

Why Is Access Control Important for Businesses?

With access control systems in place, you can better safeguard your business, resources, and employees — thereby extending your security capabilities and improving operational efficiency. Not to mention, giving you the confidence and peace of mind you need to focus on the rest of your business.

In addition to providing savings on time and money (and headaches), these Myrtle Beach systems have many other benefits, including:

  • Customized controls & authorization
  • Safer workplace environment
  • Efficient, user-friendly solution
  • Enhanced visibility & monitoring
  • More confidence & peace of mind
  • Scalable with business growth
  • Easily integrated into existing systems
  • Better protects sensitive information & data
  • Instantly & remotely adjust access at any time
  • Eliminates need to manually track access information

How Does an Access Control System Work?

There are two main categories of access control: physical and logical. As the name suggests, physical access control limits who can access what, whereas, logical access control manages connections to computer networks and other sensitive data. Either type of access control has essentially the same process, however: identify, verify, and authorize. And both provide complete control for the full life cycle of a credential, from onboarding to retirement.

Which Type of Access Control System Is Right for Me?

Automated Gate Systems

Typically placed around the exterior perimeter of the facility, an automated gate system, powered by two main components: the gate and automatic gate operator, provides physical access control by monitoring and authorizing vehicle access. This type of access control can be especially helpful for residential communities, warehouses, car dealerships, and other businesses with a large space to protect. A few of the main benefits automated gates offer are:

Graphic that states: Increased perimeter control, Additional layer of privacy, Maintains ease of access, and Efficient & scalable


Keycards, Fobs, and Remotes

There are many different options for access control systems relying on keycards, fobs, or remotes—with each geared toward specific businesses, communities, and entrances. Using a unique identifier code, businesses can have customization of who accesses what, a strong advantage for those who have varying roles and levels of security. Plus, they don’t require you to manually lock or unlock a deadbolt, rather a quick swipe or push of a button. These devices have several advantages including:

Graphic that reads: Remotely activate / deactive, Difficult to copy devices, Don't have to memorize PIN, Easily Manage clearance


Key Pads

There’s no need to worry about forgetting your key or losing it with a keypad because there is a simple, user-created digital code. Integrated with the central alarm system, keypads come in various styles and models but can serve as a primary or complementary means of safeguarding your property. This system usually requires some sort of numerical code to gain entry to a facility using a numerical pad. Some of the main draws of having a keypad include:

Graphic that states: No hard copies of keys, Remotely change permissions, Grant temporary access, Durable against wear


Photo ID Badges

Commonly used by large companies with many employees, photo ID badges are a great way to manage access permissions. The access control technology embedded into a photo ID badge verifies an individual’s identity and that they have the appropriate access resource. Meaning, not only do they have the key to access the building but they have the identity to match. For many larger companies, this is an extremely efficient and effective means of access control. Photo badges can be beneficial for a number of reasons, including:

Graphic that reads: Difficult to copy devices, Builds employee relationships, Connects with customers, Customize based on clearance


Cloud-Based Access Control

Cloud-based software allows for centralized management, increased visibility, and better control, typically at a lower cost than other access control systems. A huge benefit of cloud-based access control systems is their easy integration with other management systems such as video surveillance. Plus, it can also provide more flexibility and scalability—which is perfect for companies with multiple locations or office facilities. Cloud-based systems provide several key security benefits, such as:

Graphic that reads: Powerful backup systems, Access point reprogramming, Emergency lock down feature, Automatic security updates


Contact Coggin Security Today

Still not quite sure which access control system is best for your business? As a leading security company in Myrtle Beach, we can help answer your questions and, most importantly, protect what matters most. Contact us today for your free commercial security consultation!